"The phrase “glass ceiling” is more than a generation old, but despite identification of the problem, the number of women who lead major organizations in many fields still lags well behind the number of men. In Madison, what can we do to foster a greater number of women leaders?
The Cap Times, working with business incubator 100state, has created an event to examine that question.
City Editor Katie Dean will moderate a discussion panel, whose members are:
• Mary Burke, CEO of Building Brave and former Democratic gubernatorial candidate
• Jan Eddy, BELLE Capital USA and Phenomenelle Angels Fund
• Sabrina “Heymiss Progress” Madison, founder of the Black Women’s Leadership Conference
• Karen Menendez Coller, executive director of Centro Hispano
• Claudia Seidenberg, operations manager at 100state
• Heather Wentler, executive director of the Doyenne Group
The discussion will be followed by brainstorming in breakout sessions to generate actions steps for those who wish to stay.
This Cap Times Talk is free and will start with a meet-and-greet at 6 p.m. The discussion will start at 6:30, and the breakout sessions at 7:30, lasting an hour or so."